Thursday, November 29, 2007

#23 Is this really the end or just the beginning...

Having reached the end of this program it is now time to reflect on the journey. Some of my favourite discoveries have been RSS feeds, wiki's, podcasts and ebooks. I will definitely continue to use and develop some of the "things" I have signed up for over the past nine weeks.

My goal at the beginning of this program was to become more familiar with emerging technologies. I have definitely achieved this goal and have found that I am already using the knowledge I have gained.

This absolutely is the beginning, I believe my library service will adopt some of these technologies and integrate them into our services. I also believe that Web 2.0 will become Web 3.0 etc etc. There are exciting possibilities for this technology and I look forward to seeing the outcomes of this program.

"If you tell the truth you don't have to remember anything" Mark Twain.

1 comment:

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