Thursday, November 29, 2007
#23 Is this really the end or just the beginning...
My goal at the beginning of this program was to become more familiar with emerging technologies. I have definitely achieved this goal and have found that I am already using the knowledge I have gained.
This absolutely is the beginning, I believe my library service will adopt some of these technologies and integrate them into our services. I also believe that Web 2.0 will become Web 3.0 etc etc. There are exciting possibilities for this technology and I look forward to seeing the outcomes of this program.
"If you tell the truth you don't have to remember anything" Mark Twain.
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
#22 Audiobooks
I looked at world ebook fair and with some persistence was able to listen to "The little match girl" by Hans Christian Andersen. I found this site a little difficult to navigate unlike many of the others we have looked at. I was slightly confused about what file I needed to click on/download to be able to listen to the book. Once I had worked it out I did find it lots of fun to play around with.
We may need to persuade some of our older customers to give this technology a try but I hope they will be easily converted once they realize what is available.
#21 Podcasts, Smodcasts!
There are numerous potential uses for podcasts here in the library. Something simple like a podcast about how to become a library member and what resources you can access as a library member. Promotion of events no longer need to be solely visual we could also podcast these. This could definitely be a very useful resource which is only limited by our imagination.
Sunday, November 18, 2007
#20 Youtube
Well I have heard alot about youtube, it finds its way into the news on occasion and now I have experienced it for myself. It was fun and I guess people could loose hours playing around on this site. I found this video while browsing and thought it was really cute.
There is so much junk on this site but for pure entertainment value was worth trying to sort through some of it. The categories make it easier to look for videos that may be of interest. I liked the home page and the constantly changing "video's being viewed now". It showed some videos that I probably would not have stumbled across any other way.
I don't think it has much to offer our library website but maybe I am not looking at it from outside of the square!
#19 Discovering Web 2.0 tools
However I did enjoy having a play around on this site. It was very easy to use it also gives the user the option of adding their own cocktails to the extensive list already available. There is also a blog specifically for the site so you can talk with other cocktail enthusiasts.
#18 Web based apps:
Creating an account is simple and fast but unfortunately it is another login and password you need to remember. The tool bar is easy to use and it has all of the features I have ever wanted out of my word processor. I can see this being a really useful tool.
I have had some problems posting this blog straight from zoho writer it seems to keep cutting off the end of my blog so I have given up trying to work out why it wont cooperate with me. I will attempt to post a picture from zoho to complete this discovery exercise.
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
#17 Play around with PBWiki
#16 Wiki's
While looking at the book lovers wiki I found that once I had accessed the 5 star review link it continually looped me back to this page and I found it hard to access any of the other links. I do like this concept and would love to see my library adopt a similar project.
I also spent some time on the St. Joseph County Public Library wiki. This site has some really great features. I really liked that patrons could subscribe to a reading history if they wanted and that reference questions could be asked and answered via live chat.
I do hold some reservations when wiki's like wikipedia are making information available to people that may be inaccurate, but I guess that we need to educate our users to look for authoritative resources when researching information.
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
#15 On Library 2.0 and Web 2.0
I believe my library is a little bit behind those described in the perspectives I read. Most of my customers sole purpose for visiting the library is to select a book (or twenty) to take home and read. Traditional users using the library for traditional purposes. They are still afraid of the computer catalogues we have let alone adventurous enough to be writing a blog. I look forward to the day that they come in and use our Internet computers to download the latest e-book by their favourite author.
While I can see the potential for many of the tools we have experimented with while learning Web 2.0 I have some concerns. The importance of using reliable sources when using the Internet as an information tool has always been recognised. I feel that this generation of Web 2.0 takes that reliability away - anyone can write a blog or add a tag. Are there any checks in place to make sure we are still providing our customers with accurate information. Are our customers going to take this type of information as gospel because they obtained it from the library.
Libraries do need to change to maintain our usefulness but there are huge obstacles in our path. Budget restrictions, staff time, staffing levels - just to name a few. I'm sure we will get there and can't wait to see what the next wave of Internet Web 3.0? will bring.
Friday, October 26, 2007
#14 Technorati
This is a really easy tool to use. I found that a lot of the same blogs came up when I searched specifically under "tags" and "blog directory" but using these search tools did narrow the general search from over seven thousand hits to just over seven hundred.
I don't really think that I have anything of any real value to add to the blogging world so I didn't claim my blog or tag my posts. I did however like "watchlist" and will spend some more time exploring this.
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
I really like that the tag cloud has identified the most popular tags by font size.
G. K. Chesterton
"A good novel tells us the truth about its hero; but a bad novel tells us the truth about its author."
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
#12 Rollyo
I created a searchroll about Childrens craft activities, here is the link -
I feel like I missed the point of this one - I might need to spend some more time playing around!
#11 LibraryThing
#10 Image generators

A good friend will bail you out of jail, a great friend will help you bury the body. :)
Monday, October 15, 2007
#9 Finding Feeds
I also found feeds to some of my favourite sites by locating the RSS button on the page.
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
#8 Create a blogline account
My blogline account can be found at -
I currently have 10 feeds I subscribe to.
#7 Technology
#6 Flickr mashups
Friday, September 28, 2007
#5 Discovering Flickr
This is awesome!! what a great photo. Each time I look at it I see something different.
Flickr has some really cool features like "a year ago today" and "interestingness". I look forward to spending some more time wandering around this site.
Thursday, September 20, 2007
#3 Creating a blog
karma [ krmÉ™ ] (plural karmas)
1. actions determining future state: in Hindu and Buddhist philosophy, the quality of somebody's current and future lives as determined by that person's behaviour in this and in previous lives
2. atmosphere: the atmosphere radiated by a place, situation, person, or object ( informal )
3. destiny: destiny or fate